Read Northwest News on your tablet or smartphone.Here you can read Nordvestnys e-newspaper. You also have easy access to the latest news on from the Northwest News area and free access to the areas weekly newspapers.Using the e-newspaper is free for subscribers to the North West. Others may purchase access to the e-newspaper for a single day or a monthly subscription. Note, as a subscriber, you only have access to the archive 30 days back. We refer you to customer service or to purchase additional access.If you have a Northwest news subscription, you must log in to the app with the email and code that you have specified in your profile. If you do not have a profile, you can create here: purchase via the app is binding. This means that you can not cancel your subscription in the middle of a subscription period.The e-newspaper is published every weekday. 13.30 and Saturdays at 03.00. Nordvestnyt is not published on Sundays and public holidays.There is no refund for late or missing delivery of the e-newspaper.Terms of paymentYou buy and pay the newspaper through PlayStore, and the terms of purchase therefore comply with Googles terms and conditions.Switch, Contact:NordvestnytAhlgade 1c4300 HolbækMail:
[email protected] .: 88 88 43 00 Copyright Zealand Media 2018